Responsible conduct of research is quintessential in maintaining scientific integrity. Researchers either intentionally or negligently may adopt questionable research practices leading to detrimental consequences. To minimize the risks and hazards associated with unethical behavior, researchers must be aware of the various types of research misconduct and the ways to avoid these malpractices. Enago in collaboration with Hindawi conducted a joint webinar to uphold scientific integrity by helping research scholars understand the significance of good ethical conduct. We focussed on explaining the most common type of research misconduct—plagiarism and its different forms and have shared effective strategies to prevent it.
Through this session, researchers will have an improved understanding of the following:
- An overview of research and publication ethics
- Importance of research ethics
- Major ethical issues and how to avoid them
- How to draft plagiarism-free manuscripts?
- Legal consequences of IPR violation
About Hindawi (
Hindawi Limited is one of the world’s largest open-access publishers with an expansive portfolio of academic research journals across all areas of science and medicine. Each peer-reviewed journal has been developed in partnership with academic researchers, acting as editors, to fit the targeted communities they serve. Driven by a mission to advance openness in research and placing the researcher at the heart of everything we do, we work with publishers, institutions, and organizations to move towards a more open scholarly ecosystem by investing in the development of open-source publishing infrastructure.
About the Speakers
Michael Gotesman, Scientist & Educator
Ben Dickinson, Research Integrity Manager, Hindawi