Conducting research work seamlessly hinges on the best laboratory management practices followed in a research laboratory. Setting project timelines, reviewing, managing grants and inventories, updating process documentation and improving workflow, collecting and managing data are a few critical duties to be performed expeditiously for running a lab successfully. With the aim to help new and established research leaders understand their roles and responsibilities and acquire necessary skills, Enago in collaboration with LabArchives—the leading research data management platform—conducted a practical training session.
Through this webinar, researchers will have a better understanding of the following:
- How to ensure a healthier research lab environment
- How to become a good lab manager
- Strategies to manage lab inventories and research grants
- Guidelines for responsible scientific data management
- An overview of good laboratory practice (GLP) in the pandemic
About LabArchives
LabArchives is a suite of SaaS applications dedicated to better science used by more than 590,000 scientists to manage & protect research data, inventories and laboratory resources. LabArchives products help scientists document their research data, prove and protect discovery, and collaborate securely. Used in more than 500 of the world’s leading research academic, commercial and government research organizations and thousands of lab courses, LabArchives is the leading research data management SaaS application platform. For more information, visit and
About the Speakers
Stephen Huff, Senior Lead Scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton
Marie Linvill, Vice President, Product Management & Customer Success, LabArchives