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How to Boost Citations—Tips for Researchers


Enago in collaboration with The Electrochemical Society conducted an interactive online session for research scholars to share practical and effective tips for increasing the citations of research articles and making a significant impact.

In today’s academic publishing landscape, it is as important for researchers to promote their research as it is to publish it in a good journal. The number of times a work is cited indicates its impact on the field. An increase in the citation count undoubtedly has a positive impact on a researcher’s career because universities and funding agencies often look at the number of publications and the citation count jointly, when making tenure and grant decisions. It is also important for the editors to boost citations of the articles published in their journals to maximize the reach of their journals. Through this session, researchers will have an improved understanding of the following:

  • Importance of acknowledging the sources in the manuscript
  • Understanding the significance of research promotion
  • Awareness of various strategies to boost citations
  • Effective use of academic and social media networks for endorsing an article
  • Measuring the impact of the applied promotion strategy


  • Master's Students
  • Doctoral students
  • Postdoctoral Researchers
  • Senior Researchers
  • Research Professors


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