Both用作名词或形容词时,是被日本学者们经常误用的词汇 1。最常见的误用方式是当both用来表达两事物的一种关系时。(这类误用似乎是因为对日语“両”误译的结果。)实际上,both并不能这样用。以下是这类错误最常见的典型例子。
- Both experiments yielded consistent results.
- There is a difference between the responses for both treatments.
- Both functions have the same asymptotic form.
在这些例句中,“both”均被用作了形容两个明确所述事物之间的一个关系。但是,因为both并不含作者本想要用来表达的意义,结果在每例中, both实际形容的是两个明确所述事物和两个未提及的事物之间的一个关系。比如,例句(1)表达的并不是“both experiments”的实验结果相互一致,而表达成了这些实验的结果分别与其它一些实验或可能与其它一些理论一致。
- These (two) experiments yielded consistent results.
(1’) The results of these (two) experiments are consistent. - There is a difference between the responses of the two treatments.
(2’) The responses of these (two) treatments differ. - These (two) functions have the same asymptotic form.
(3’) The asymptotic forms of the (two) functions are identical.
1 它也可以被用作连词。